FSA/Dependent Care with Optum Financial

Optum Financial is the university’s Flexible Spending Account (FSA) administrator. FSA accounts are available for medical and dependent day care accounts. 

Top 3 Things to Know/Changes

  1. Medical FSA accounts can be used in conjunction with your PPO medical insurance, but they do have an annual contribution limit and the funds deposited into this account have a “use it or lose it” clause, meaning that any funds not used by the end of the calendar year will be forfeited.  The medical FSA plan funds are accessed by an FSA Debit card.
  2. Dependent day care FSA accounts must be used for the custodial day care of an eligible dependent.
  3. 2025 FSA Contribution limits are $3,300 for healthcare FSA's and $5,000 for dependent day care FSA's.

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